Monday, February 25, 2013


Hello Everyone and welcome to my blog.  It's a little out of my comfort zone to write a blog, but I look forward and I think it would be something I will want to have for our future.

Life is too short, Love what you do and live the life you have always wanted.  I hope that my blog will inspire you and bring you joy to your journey.

Currently Tony and I are living in Sartell, MN.  We have the most spoiled cat, Nacho in the world.  Nacho loves to lay in the sun in my office while I work my Scentsy business!  Nacho takes naps most of the day and she will make sure I'm up to give her, treat.  Don't say that word too early...or she will not leave your side until she get's it.  Truly, she is a blessing and we love everything about her!

This past year, Dec 30th, Tony got ready to ask me a big question.  I was totally blown away and of course I said YES!  We are looking at locations and dates and we don't have anything set as of yet.  We have been together since June 2nd 2007.  We meet early in 2007 while Ann was searching the internet for a companion.  Ann wrote to Tony early March 2007 through MySpace.  We chatting back and forth but never really planned on meeting.  I was attending a wedding for a past roommate and was asked to go to the Press for some drinks with other friends.  I still remember walking in and looking across the bar...silence.... "Oh My Gosh- it's Ann" is what I heard echo through the bar.... Tony has a different story, but it close to mine.  From that day, we have been side by side, through so much good and our fair of bad.

I work for one of the best companies, Scentsy Family!  I'm so honored be a consultant with 3 great brands.  Scentsy took my life over by storm 4 shorts years ago.  I will never look back and can't wait to see where Scentsy Family is going to take my family!  It gives me goals to work towards, it gives me people to inspire, its give me something that is mine to work hard for, it give me opportunities that I didn't have before and everyday I'm grateful!

Thanks for stopping by!  Watch for new updates!!!

Talk to you soon- go out there and do something that will change your life!
Ann :)

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