Thursday, July 18, 2013

Baby Scott 34 Weeks

Hello Everyone!  It's July 18th and it is 93 degrees out right now and the dew point is 64 degrees in MN...yuk.  We are hoping for some rain to come in and cool it down a little.  I'm sitting in the AC with my feet up.  I hope everyone is having a great week!

Last week we had a great time in Indy at the Scentsy Family Reunion/convention.  They surprised us with SO much new stuff for all 3's like starting the business all over again!  Tony and I have a new drive and are ready to stay on the course and push ahead!!!
If you are not on my Business Facebook pages, (Scentsy/GA or Velata) Please like them so you can see all of the new stuff!!!  New Scentsy Catalog out Sept 1st.  New Grace Adele Catalog out August 1st and don't forget about Velata, New Catalog out Oct 1st.  We didn't even see the new catalog yet for Velata...they have us on pins and needles until Sept 1st!!!  OH boy, I hope it's awesome!!!

Baby news- On Monday I had a baby appointment and found out that I'm measuring 2 weeks behind where I should be.  So today, we had an ultrasound.  Baby is growing and is right on track of where it should be, actually a day ahead of my due date.  AS of now, Baby is 5lbs on the dot.  Heart rate is in the 150's and as of today, everything looks ok.  We haven't heard back from the Dr as of yet, which to me is a good thing.  So just more eating, more water, more rest for the next 6 weeks to try to cook this little cupcake until it's ready to come out.

The cool part about the ultrasound today is that we were able to see where baby is and what it has been up to.  It has chubby cheeks, some hair, feet are about 7cm long, hands are cupped together by it's face and baby likes to push its bootie up and out and kick it's legs straight out!  I mean, why stay curled up in a ball...there lots of room in mommy's tummy!!!  Daddy's little golfer is working on it's stretches already.

Prayer are always welcomed our way!  Here's to baking the little cupcake a little longer!!!  Thanks for all of the support and text messages today!  I was a nervous wreak since Monday....

How far along? 34 Weeks 2 days
Maternity clothes? mostly Maternity
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Out like a light.. I love my naps too!!!
Miss Anything? I'm past the point of all of the stuff that you think I would want.  It's been so long...I wonder what a Mountain Dew would take like right about now?  I'm hoping that it will be gross so that I don't want one after baby... No caffeine since early January... that is a LONG time for me!!!
Movement: Lots of movement.  Today at the Ultrasound baby had it's legs straight out and just a kicking away on my left side.  I now know what I'm pushing on when I get a good kick.
Food cravings: Nothing too bad this week.  Sweet are still my fav!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing that I can think of this week
Best moment this week:  Finding out Keith (Tony's brother) and Kelsey are having a BOY!!!!  They are Due Dec 4th!  The grandchildren on the Scott side is getting a bit boy heavy.  9 grandchildren... 1 unknown (ours) 1 little sweet girl and now 7 BOYS!!!  WOWZERS!!!!  
Gender prediction: We were strong and didn't find out again today at the ultrasound.  The tech said she would tell us...I had her turn off the screen so I wouldn't it's so close...I just want to know!!!
Labor Signs: Some contractions, but they go away after I sit down for a while... that goodness!
Belly Button in or out? mostly in...
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very emotional... I see or hear of a good story...I cry... 
Looking forward to: Working on getting the baby's room set up.  It's been a slow process.  We are taking my office and making it the baby's room.  Bit by bit each day it gets a little better and more done.  I'm hoping next week to get the larger a crib, dressers, rocker all in place.  Then it will feel like we are ready...

My cheerleader and one of my ROCKS, My Mom, Mary Lynne Goenner!

Tony and I at the Awards Night!  

Sept 1st 2013 we will be opening our doors in Australia for Scentsy and Grace Adele!  What a great opportunity!
Scentsy changes lives, it did mine!!! Check out my website 

And don't forget about Mexico!!!  Opening Scentsy and Grace Adele Sept 1st 2013!!! We are going to make the WHOLE world smell awesome!  If you have friends and family there and they would like more info.  Please let me know so I can share the opportunity with them! 

Baby T.  3 weeks tomorrow :)


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