Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The weeks of Baby Scott- 13 weeks

13 weeks-

Hello and welcome back!  This week my baby belly has popped!  People that I talk to say "you are so little" but I can feel it!  It's been fun telling more people!  I'm excited for this weekend, I get to tell my friend Jess Kollman Beckman and Erin Walquist and family!  I bet they don't see if coming!!!

Now you can see baby!!!!  

How far along? 13 Weeks, 2 Days
Maternity clothes? not yet, but I have 1 pair of jeans that fit me and I don't have to add a button extender!  Next week, might be the last week!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping so so this week.  I love naps and I have the best boss, because I can take a nap when ever I want to!
Best moment this week: Sharing the new with two good friends!  Jess is about 2 months ahead of me, so it will be awesome to have our kids so close in age!
Have you told family and friends: Family knows, my mom is starting to share with my cousins and aunts on the Goenner side.  Tony's aunt posted on Tony's Facebook wall, so the word is getting out there....hope none of you saw that!  It was a mad rush to delete it!
Miss Anything? Soda and a beer would be nice...but it's not that bad
Movement: Not yet... Hopefully SOON!
Food cravings: From time to time, cotton candy, still fruit mostly
Anything making you queasy or sick: just certain smells are still getting to me.  Ground beef, so so fun- I made a chicken lasagna the end of last week- the smell was awful, but I had to get past it and just eat it...and it did taste good!
Have you started to show yet: I woke up on Feb 21st and I felt a big difference!  I popped out a baby belly!
Gender prediction: Girl but now I catch myself saying "he"
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and moody- lots going on right now in life!
Looking forward to: sharing all of these new blog post with everyone!  Tomorrow (Friday 2-22-13) we find out what Ashley and Travis are having for their 3rd child!  Uncle Tony I'm sure is wanting another little Bella!

The weeks of Baby Scott- 12 weeks

12 weeks- 3 month- WOW were did the time go?

We have made it 12 weeks already- STILL sick, mostly at night.  About 7:30-8pm it sets in.  I've had many early night to bed.  I now listen to my 9pm Scentsy conference calls in my bed because I have a tummy ache.  But I don't mind it.  Oh wait, now everyone will know.  Hey- I'm still on!

It's been fun getting the weekly updates from www.thebump.com about how big baby is and what it is up to.  This week baby is starting to move it's hands and it's eyes are now stationed in the front of its face... didn't know they would or could be anywhere else.  The things I'm learning.

Looking forward to getting out of the 1st trimeter to see if I start to feel any better!

How far along? 12 Weeks, 2 Days
Maternity clothes? not yet but have started the hair binder trick around the button on my pants
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping ok, getting up more to hit the bathroom in the middle of the night
Best moment this week: Telling my 95 and 94 year old Grandparents that there is going to be another great grandchild and Aunt Barb and Uncle George while they are at "winter camp"!
Have you told family and friends: Family knows...this week I have been telling friends that are having bad days to hope that I can cheer them up! 
Miss Anything? Still Sushi and if you know me well, I have really started to miss my Mt. Dews... haven't heard one since Jan 1st!!!
Movement: Not yet... Hopefully SOON!
Food cravings: This week apples with Velata was a hit.  Caramel milk chocolate and apples at 10am, YES please
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells  of meat still get to me.
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit more
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: felling better and getting back to feeling like myself

The weeks of Baby Scott- 11 weeks

By now I'm sure you have heard that we are having a BABY!  Tony and I are both excited!  This little one is growing so fast, I can't believe it!

We will show you week by week how fast it is going!

11 weeks- 

We were able to hear the heart beat for the 1st time.  It took a while, but then the Doctor found it.  Doc said everything sounds perfect!  It was a great check up- it was the first time meeting the Doctor and I'm happy to say, our nurse that told me "congrats, it's official, you are pregnant" suggested a great Doctor!

Doc asked many questions and we talk a lot about morning sickness.  Seeing I have had it for the past 6-8 weeks and it doesn't just happen in the morning for me...I have all DAY morning sickness.   Dr. assured me that it's normal and she likes to hear that moms to be are sick, she said "it means everything is going just the way it should be."  Well I have other thoughts about that... but as long as I can eat, I'm fine.

Here is a little clip about Baby's heart beat :)

How far along? 11 Weeks, 2 Days
Maternity clothes? not yet
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping ok and having TONS of dreams
Best moment this week: hearing the heart beat- going to Scentsy Spring Sprint and sharing the news with Jeri Franz. Just love that lady! And it was fun to tell her in person! She's a good secret keeper too!
Have you told family and friends: Most of the Family knows...this week we started to tell more of our friends
Miss Anything? Right now, Sushi. I have been craving it like crazy!
Movement: Not yet... Hopefully SOON!
Food cravings: Pears, veggies, oranges, cupcakes and cake too!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smells are really getting to me. I made a roast in the crock pot and it was the worst smell in the world. I didn't want to keep cooking it, but I couldn't throw it away either.
Have you started to show yet: Just a tiny bit!
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! but I can be moody- right Tony
Looking forward to: hearing the heart beat again at the next appt!

Last week we received our 1st gift for the baby.  It came at the perfect time.  I was laid up in bed with the flu on Tuesday and then Wednesday I thought I was getting better so I did too much and was back in bed all day Thursday and most of Friday with influenza!

Thanks Erin, Chad and Celia Brousseau :)

Baby's First outfit and blanket :)

August 2013

Tony and I are proud to let everyone know that we will have a little bundle of joy at the end of August!

Both Dad and Mom are VERY excited!  We didn't think everything would happen at once, but God had a different plan for us!

We took a test on Dec 25th and it was positive.  Then we took another just to make sure.  That was one of the hardest secrets I have ever had to keep... as we were together with my family all day on Christmas day.

Wedding planning it still happening, but we just know that we are going to hold off for the until October of 2014.

Nacho is excited to be a big sister.  I was off on my days at my first appt, but we now have a Due Date of Aug 27th.  That day is 2 days after Tony's birthday and it also Grandma Penny's (Tony's Mom)  Birthday!

 This past weekend we were able to see my Goddaughter and good friend Erin and Cory Walquist!  I let Sydney spill the beans to her family!

This is how I told my Scentsy team at our last meeting! (Video below)  It was fun to see their reactions!!!  This baby is going to smell good, love chocolate and love handbags before it's 2 years old :)  I just know it!  AND the baby will be loved by so many Scentsy Aunties!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Hello Everyone and welcome to my blog.  It's a little out of my comfort zone to write a blog, but I look forward and I think it would be something I will want to have for our future.

Life is too short, Love what you do and live the life you have always wanted.  I hope that my blog will inspire you and bring you joy to your journey.

Currently Tony and I are living in Sartell, MN.  We have the most spoiled cat, Nacho in the world.  Nacho loves to lay in the sun in my office while I work my Scentsy business!  Nacho takes naps most of the day and she will make sure I'm up to give her, treat.  Don't say that word too early...or she will not leave your side until she get's it.  Truly, she is a blessing and we love everything about her!

This past year, Dec 30th, Tony got ready to ask me a big question.  I was totally blown away and of course I said YES!  We are looking at locations and dates and we don't have anything set as of yet.  We have been together since June 2nd 2007.  We meet early in 2007 while Ann was searching the internet for a companion.  Ann wrote to Tony early March 2007 through MySpace.  We chatting back and forth but never really planned on meeting.  I was attending a wedding for a past roommate and was asked to go to the Press for some drinks with other friends.  I still remember walking in and looking across the bar...silence.... "Oh My Gosh- it's Ann" is what I heard echo through the bar.... Tony has a different story, but it close to mine.  From that day, we have been side by side, through so much good and our fair of bad.

I work for one of the best companies, Scentsy Family!  I'm so honored be a consultant with 3 great brands.  Scentsy took my life over by storm 4 shorts years ago.  I will never look back and can't wait to see where Scentsy Family is going to take my family!  It gives me goals to work towards, it gives me people to inspire, its give me something that is mine to work hard for, it give me opportunities that I didn't have before and everyday I'm grateful!

Thanks for stopping by!  Watch for new updates!!!

Talk to you soon- go out there and do something that will change your life!
Ann :)